Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Transit Trouble

1 Train, if you're listening, I really, really don't like you right now. Please do something to fix this, perhaps something in the form of running more often than every 20 minutes? I would greatly appreciate it. So would my professors. And my classmates, who have to sit next to a really sweaty girl who just sprinted 20 blocks in 95 degree weather. Ok great, thanks!

P.S. Sorry for the hostile blog post, I think the heat is getting to me. Thumbs down to dehydration.

Here's to hoping it cools off...more interesting blog to come

1 comment:

  1. subway commute in the summer = brutal. sweaty people inches from your face dripping and breathing on you while their clothes stick to their backs is not ideal. trust me, the 4/5/6 is no better.
